Friday, February 6, 2009


I know I just posted yesterday and I encourage you to read it. Mainly because I like to toot my own horn.

I just got finished reading my friend, Sarah's, weekly "Thankful Thursday" blog. Every Thursday she blogs about something she is thankful for. And I love to read them. Who wouldn't? It makes you feel good. I also just finished reading possibly the 100th "25 Random Things about you" list that someone was tagged with. And I got inspired. Rather than 25 random things, I choose to list 25 of my blessings. Of course I have many more. But these are the ones off the top of my head. If you want to be tagged, go ahead.
So here they are, in no particular order (how could you order blessings?):
  1. The Church
  2. The Saviour
  3. my scriptures
  4. My Dad and Mom
  5. My sister Erin (also my best friend)
  6. Katelynn, Brittanie, Mary, Lizzie, & Holly (My nieces)
  7. Orion, Raiden, Jacob, Seth, Draken, Sam, & Max (my nephews)
  8. Autumn and Emily (my favorite cousins and best friends)
  9. Kathi, Scott and Valeri
  10. a good education
  11. a job I love
  12. food to eat
  13. a house
  14. The temple
  15. books, books, books, books, books
  16. weekends
  17. clean laundry
  18. a good night's sleep
  19. a funny joke
  20. my room mates . . . all of them from BYU to now
  21. Sarah, Rebecca, Praveena, Connie and Chris . . . extraordinary teachers and colleagues
  22. my kids
  23. my health . . . that includes my medication and my VNS implant, which keeps me healthy
  24. a good movie with good company
  25. a fresh, cold, fountain, diet Pepsi

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