Unless you are like my mom, who saved EVERYTHING.
When we cleaned the basement out after dad died, my sister and I had a system. We would let mom go through a box and oh and ah over the memories . . . "I remember when you made this in Mrs. Brown's class. Look how cute it is." etc.
Then, when mom dug deeper and found something else to get sentimental over, I would slip the 20 year old piece of glue and construction paper to Erin who would put it in a hidden garbage bag. I know. We're bad daughters. But that basement got clean. It took three months, but it got clean. And mom never knew until we told her a couple of years ago.
Ah the memories.
And now it's my turn to pass on that grand tradition of construction paper crap. I mean art.
So I got on line and found this great idea that my turkeys this year would be nontraditional. They would be "Turkeys in Disguise." After all, the farmer is after them, so why wouldn't they hide? (I obviously have too much time to sit and think, and a very active imagination) So, only a couple of feathers are showing (we taped feathers on the back as if the escaped from the disguise). And the kids could come up with whatever disguise they wanted.
So I give you, our turkeys in disguise.
I even laminated them so that in 20 years, when the parents are going through boxes of crap, I mean art, these will not have fallen apart.
What a cute idea! Have I mentioned that I miss teaching with you?
I love it!! Wish my kids' teachers were ok with doing something fun, we got the usual turkey hat from kindergarten.
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