Friday, February 5, 2010

My Mom

We have decided to lock my mom in the house. Maybe forever.

On January 24th, I got a call from Sharlon. (Sharlon has been my best friend since 3rd grade and she and her family live in mom's ward. They are a big help in keeping an eye on her. My mom is 69, but likes to think she's 30.) Sharlon called me around 8:30 saying that she'd found mom laying on the sidewalk outside of church.

NEVER start a conversation with, "We found your mom on the sidewalk and I think you should get down here."

Turns out mom was fine but she had fallen and cut her hand pretty badly and her fingers were looking broken. I have 1:00 church so I wasn't even out of bed yet. I talked to mom, called Erin and we both raced to Rosepark. Thank heaven's for mom's ward. They gave mom a blessing and got us there and made mom sit still. She wanted to go to church.

We took her to the emergency room where they figured out the cut on her finger was to the bone (yikes!) and the pinky and ring finger on her right hand were dislocated and the tendons were torn (ouch!) and there was a scratch on her right eye. Which was black with some nasty broken blood vessels.

She looked like she'd been in a bar fight.

After hours of waiting, we took her home with her right arm splinted up to her elbow and a prescription for Lortab.

It was on November 24th that mom had a pacemaker put in.

So maybe we'll let her out, but not on the 24th of the month.

Mom's fine. She's got her splint off and is now looking forward to cataract surgery this summer.


Sharlon said...

Sorry I freaked you out when I called. I don't think I started with that though, I think I said, "Your Mom is fine but.....".
I am so glad she is doing better though. She is one stubborn lady though. I do however really admire her. Despite being so hurt she was so very adamant about getting her tithing turned in and staying long enough to partake of the Sacrament. What a faithful woman!! I want to be like her in her faithfulness when I grow up.

christina pettit said...

You are so awesome to look out for her. She is one stubborn lady. she needs to be less stubborn. and I hope I'm half the woman she is when I grow up.
Love ya lots Sharlon!