Monday, December 22, 2008

I have my room back!

I have this pet peeve that has to do with folding laundry. I hate it. I like washing clothes. Yes, I like it. But I hate folding them. That's when I wish for a house elf. Maybe Mr. May from our calendar.
The avoidance of this particular chore goes WAAAAY back. My mom used to separate our clean clothes and put them in baskets for us to take to our rooms. I generally left mine sitting on the washer and pulled out the clothes I needed.
Then mom yelled at me, and I would put them away.
I don't live with anyone who will yell at me anymore (mom tries, but it doesn't have the same effect over the phone) so I have had a laundry basket full of clothes I have needed to fold. I am proud to say that I recently put away. It took me an hour. Think about that. I am one person. The reason it looks so full is because I kept adding to it and than taking stuff from it. Not to worry though. I have now learned my lesson . . . for a few months at least. And then I will fall back into my slothful ways.


The other half of my room has been taken up with Christmas presents since before Thanksgiving. I just haven't got around to wrapping them until this weekend. So that cleared out the other half of my room. And now my room is my own.


Can you imagine the clothes and the presents if I had kids?


Sharlon said...

Yes I can imagine because i have kids and the same bad habit as you! Thanks for making me feel better. I'm not the only one who hates folding. The worst is matching everyone's socks!!!! I just have a big orange basket that everyones socks end up in and they find them themselves. So if our socks don't match we call them lucky socks because we are just lucky we have socks!!! LOL!

Jennie-O said...

If you want, I can yell at you about your laundry!! Someone has too...