Friday, July 11, 2008

My new place

I moved out of my old apartment and into a fancy remodeled one right after school got out. In fact, the last day of school was a half day, and I came home and started moving right away. I moved that half day. That was a Thursday.
I moved all day Friday. That's when I moved most of my stuff.
That's also when I moved my mattress and boxsprings and learned that there are some things you should not do alone.
On Saturday my cousin Autumn came to help with the bigger things, along with my room mate's 72 year old father.
Yep. Four girls and a senior citizen.
We had been waiting for this apartment to be ready for 5 weeks. There wasn't a firm date as to when we could move in. The smart person would have started packing all the nonessential stuff right away. We went for ice cream.
Then one day our land lord calls up and says, "Are ya packed? You can move in this weekend."
So we had what my room mate calls a southern move. I call it a Mormon move. Basically, you throw things together in no particular order and worry about it when you unpack. I got three rubbermaid containers and I would fill them up with stuff, walk them over to the new place, empty them in a pile, and then go back for more. One of my room mates just barely got the last of her stuff out yesterday, after our lanlord came over to tell her they were ready to remodel over there and needed it clean.
So check out the pictures. These were taken about two weeks after the move. I'm impressed we did it.

So, I mentioned how many DVD's I have . . . here they are! They filled this book case. You can't see it here, but it is almost ceiling to floor, and the VHS are double deep on a shelf. Holy Crap! I think all three of us were a little shocked as I kept unpacking and unpacking and unpacking.
My room. And my new T.V. Notice I changed the pictures on the wall. The medeival stuff was getting a little tired.

My room . . . enough books? Another moving tip . . . books should not be packed in those big rubbermaid tubs. My back still hurts.
My room; notice that I now have real curtains, not a blanket tacked to the wall. My room mates say this is nicer.
My garden; I hate gardening. But Mom helped. Well, she helped shop for stuff and then told me where to put the stuff. She can't get down and garden like she wishes she could. Like I wish she could. The marigolds aren't blooming in this picture, but they are now. All the bushy greenery was there when we moved in. It's lavender, thyme, and sage. It smells so good out there in the mornings! Holly, can you see the bunny on the rock?
Lavender . . . it's blooming and really pretty now!
I'll send pictures of the kitchen when there aren't dirty dishes out on the counter!


sarah louise said...

I love the space pictures. Reminds me of teaching 6th grade!

Erin said...

I can't wait to come and see it all in person. Holly and Sam will love the garden.