Saturday, January 3, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are!

"The night Max wore his wolf suit
and made mischief of one kind and another

His mother called him "Wild Thing!"

"And now! Let the Wild Rumpus start!"

Max Robison Wells

Nephew #7
Grandkid #12


Jennie-O said...

I want to squeeze him, he is so cute!! I can't believe how much he looks like his big brother.

Lenna said...

Christina! I've been dying to know how Erin and the wee were doing and to find them both safe and sound on your blog...You are hilarious by the way. So good to read for myself that you're still hilarious and fun as ever. I loved the pictures of the new nephew. Congratulations and hug and kiss Erin for me! My lame blog is private but I feel like I owe you a peek at my life since I've enjoyed catching up on yours. Shoot me an email at lenna_patyahoodotcom. If you want to, that is. Thanks again for the update.

Sharlon said...

FUN! He is so cute. Next time tell you see Erin and Rob tell them Congrats from us.

Erin said...

I love it!

So fitting. I feel very much like I am in the midst of a wild rumpus.