Friday, September 12, 2008

Fourth Grade Olympics or How Teaching is a Contact Sport

Fourth Grade can be rough. It's competitive and it's hard on the self-esteem. Especially on the teachers.
The first week of school we decided to have a Fourth Grade Olympics. We study Asia in fourth grade so it was timely.
Here's the reason we will never do this again.

One of the other fourth grade teachers is an athlete. She swims, plays water polo, and runs marathons. She is VERY competitive. I witnessed this last year during our softball world series. Which she will never umpire again if I can help it.
So, you can imagine, things got really . . . interesting.
When we planned this I "called" India as our country to represent. I worked with a teacher from India in the second grade for four years. I still work across the hall from her. I had access to some great stuff. A few days later, our overly competitive fourth grade teacher came into my room while I was teaching and said "We picked India, is that OK?"
My choices here are to be a poor example to my kids and say no way, or be a wuss and say okay. I chose to be a wuss. We hadn't even discussed the country issue in my class so they didn't know what they were missing.
I told the class that we would be Japan. Because I knew that the flag was easy to draw. And we spent an afternoon drawing red circles on white paper. I have talented children.

My overly competitive colleague got her hands on an Indian flag and then told me I couldn't get a Japanese one because she wanted to be the only one with a flag. It was one of those times when people say something and then they say "Just kidding." But you know they weren't. So I didn't plan on anything more than the paper flags we all made. I hate conflict. Besides. I am not an athlete. This is all about fun. Right?

All week, this other teacher was practicing the events with her kids. I kept forgetting. Oh well. I told them to practice at home. No biggie. I talked a lot about being good winners and good losers. I have a really sweet class.

What I forgot was that I have a Japanese student, and a student who visits Japan every other year with her family. And they came through on the day of the Olympics. Our class not only had a flag, we had Japanese treats and origami. My fellow teacher was not happy. I am not joking. She was really ticked off that my class looked as good as hers. It wasn't me trying. My class did everything.

That's what made it so awesome.

It was a mess to organize. She took it all a little too seriously. I did Olympics for four years when I taught sixth grade and you just need to play with the kids and realize that most of them are not athletes. She was yelling and getting mad because they weren't listening. I wasn't listening. Especially when she started trying to motivate them with the spirit of athletics and stuff. I motivate with candy.

So, I designated myself picture taker. That's how I got in trouble the first time. I took o finish line picture of the boys 100 yard dash. I showed it to her when I heard her results and knew she had the wrong kids. she said "That's why I hate those photos. They mess everything up." Before I showed her, the winners were all from her class. HMMMM.

Then I got in trouble because I only had 28 students that day and the other classes had 30 and I refused to run in the class relay. My fellow teacher ran with her kids. (yep. 30 kids ran one relay race. talk about chaos). I just asked if some of mine could run double legs. We hadn't practiced and I have a student who speaks French so I had to take time to explain to the students what a relay was. I was getting looks for not being prepared.

And then we won.

Oops. Didn't know we weren't supposed to do that.

In front of the entire fourth grade . . . that's 100 students . . . my fellow teacher says "You know you didn't really win that gold fairly, beacause you didn't have to pass off the baton as much."
Nice sportsmanship.

My class went back to our room, ate our Popsicles and danced to the "cars" sound track. Her class did yoga.


Sharlon said...

That's so funny!! It sounds like your class had a whole lot more fun than her class. Way to go!

sarah louise said...

Can I just say "MaryAnn!"

Jennie-O said...

Well, that particular teacher is from Park City, are we not surprised at her poor sportsmanship and her looking down on you?

christina pettit said...

Oh laws, Sarah!
I had forgotton about MaryAnn! Was it her Dr. Seuss thing we tried to mess with when we did our medeival thing? I just remember getting yelled at and doing it in my room and you being nine months pregnant.
You know, she yelled at me at least once every year? I finally yelled back our last year at Holladay. It only takes me YEARS to get the nerve up.

sarah louise said...

Do you remember when she freaked out because we didn't get the kids walking field trip permission slips signed. And when we told her to give us a break we were both first years she yelled and told us that wasn't a good enough excuse. I wish I had the nerve to yell back before I left!

Oh and good job on shoving it that other teacher's face without even trying. Small victories!

christina pettit said...

That's me. Passive Aggressive. You should have seen me with my team while I was teaching second grade . . . that was Maryann times two, and those teachers wouldn't talk to each other, so it was just me and my Indian friend. She now calls me her sister. War times make you close. :)

I forgot about that walking fieldtrip! And once again, weren't you nine months pregnant?

We will have an opening in 6th grade next year. If I don't take it are you sure you don't want it? I have made the teachers at Driggs sound so wonderful.

Erin said...

Every time I hear about this it makes me so mad.

Are you sure I can't come and tell the teacher to grow up! I hate it when adults are stupid!

Sorry just needed to vent. My children are not very nice lately.

sarah louise said...

So tempting on the whole sixth grade teaching thing. But like I said before, I won't do it again with out you by my side! So unless there are 2 6th grade positions, I'll have to pass!