Friday, October 31, 2008


Remember when I said teachers hated Picture Day? That it was only third to Halloween and The last day before Winter Break?

Today is Halloween.

I have spent the last two weeks trying to figure out what to be for Halloween. An adult should never have to do that. Last night I finally went to the mall, to look at the costumes there. Everything there was "A Sexy (fill in the blank)." Yeah, I'm sure that would go over really well at an elementary school.

I called Erin, who made sure my clothes always matched in high school and college. After hours (really, it was hours) of talking and wandering, she suggested I get some smarties, tape them to my pants, and be a "Smarty Pants."

Why didn't we think of this last week? It's simple. I can wear my jeans and a T-shirt. I LOVE IT!

But if you know me, I can't do it half way. I never can.

You can't just wear any shirt. I found an old shirt that says ""To save time, Let's just Assume I know everything." Perfect.

I bought two bags of smarties, because more is better, right? Ha.

When the tape didn't stick to my jeans, I spent all night sewing 100 rolls of smarties to my pants. Yes, sewing. Yes, 100.

I made earrings from rolls of smarties.

Yep. My easy, simple, comfortable costume is now as heavy as two bags of smarties (I may need a belt), and it took me 5 1/2 to sew (last night and this morning.) And I now walk like a bowlegged cowboy.

Well, Halloween is the day to be what you aren't. I think I proved that.

I'll post pictures this afternoon, after the sack of Room 12 is over.

* and here I am . . . Thanks Jennie!*


Sharlon said...

I laughed so hard I almost feel of my chair!!! Tell Erin I love her idea! Did your kids like it? Hope so! I love it, wish I had been that creative!! I'm just wearing my Electricity shirt again (from the Propane commercials) for the third year in a row, Ryan is Propane. I think I'll change into my "Spooky" shirt before the trunk-or-treat. Everybody has already seen this one!!!

sarah louise said...

My kids were "conviently" out of school for parent teacher conferences the last couple of days. I bet the teachers were secretly behind this plan!

(I do remember needing about a week of sleep to recover from Halloween when I taught!)