Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sorry . . . and EWWWWWW!

Alright. I have a job. I have roommates. I have laundry. I have my pet obsessions.

These things take TIME people. So, sorry I haven't blogged in awhile. Get off my back and get your own obsessions.

So Today is Katelynn's 19th birthday . . . Holy Crap, where did those years race off to?!

And Friday was my roommate Jennie's #*th birthday. She blogged about birthday cake, because she didn't get one. (Hey Jennie . . . you can make your own, you have two hands and a working knowledge of the kitchen. . . I'll make the Pina Coladas).

Anyway, if you haven't looked at her blog, which I am assuming you haven't, because most of my friends don't know Jennie and the one who does won't read blogs, you missed this really creepy cake. (In school, that is called a run on sentence. Some teachers call it a runny sentence but that's almost as creepy as this cake.)

Yes. That is a cake in the shape of a baby. I assume it is for people who want to add that extra something to their baby shower.

But what exactly is that extra something?

The baby looks dead. And it looks like it has been dead for a while. Perhaps in a garbage bag?

So what are you really saying to the mother when you give her this cake? Isn't this cake encouraging people to cannibalize their children? After all, you're handing a pregnant woman a baby shaped cake and saying "eat up!"

And I would really like to take a vote . . . if you had to eat a piece of this cake, which piece would you fight for so you wouldn't have to eat the face.

Happy Halloween.


Sharlon said...

I would only eat a corner. And GROSS! I'd avoid the cake totally if it wouldn't offend the hostess.
Because of your post I checked out Jennie's blog, I like the Star Wars cake!!!!

christina pettit said...

I find it interesting that this woman posted it on her website as one of her best cakes . . . innovative, edgy even, but not one of her best. You saw Jennie's blog. Some were really nice.
Did you see Rob's blog about the cutsey sayings on boards

Jennie-O said...

Copy cat.