Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My solution

I teach fourth grade which can be noisier than working construction at times. But I have found the best solution! and no one even thought to tell me about it in teacher school.

Yesterday, I was taping some art project together with masking tape, and I had an extra piece of tape on my finger, so I stuck it on the student's mouth as a joke. We laughed, and he said "I'm going to keep it there all day." Yeah, right.

Never underestimate the weirdness of kids.

Before I knew it, everyone in math wanted a piece of tape to put across their mouths. I literally taped all their mouths shut. The nut cases. I took a picture, which I can't post without parent's consent, so, sorry, you miss that fun image.

Maybe they were getting high on the adhesive.

But now you have a solution. Your kids loud and obnoxious? get out the masking tape. They'll love it!


sarah louise said...

I have always wanted to do that but was worried about what parents would think. You are brilliant...make it the kids idea!

christina pettit said...

Yeah . . . It only took me ten years!

Jennie-O said...

I threatened to do that to some older primary kids once and got an over reacting parent on my case, stating it was abuse. Give me a break.

Sharlon said...

Too funny!!!!
I love it. But afraid all the tape in the world would never be enough!!!!

christina pettit said...

Yeah, I used half a roll on 21 kids.